Friday, March 4, 2011

Lessons Learned and Next Steps :)

We've been married for 8 months now. It's been alot of fun but very difficult at the same time. I now believe that marriage is God's way of showing you how selfish you are and therefore teaches you that you have to become selfless and truly rely on Him. He is the only one that will ALWAYS be there. He is the only one that WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN. Your mate on the other hand can't always be there and will let you down. Forgivness when they do has probably been the hardest thing for me to learn so far. So we are learning day after day how to compromise, forgive, and love each other through the trials of every day life.
On the note of our journey to get overseas, which we definately still feel God calling us to do. We met with a girl from Pioneers last week while she was in the area. She was a great encouragement to us to continue to trust God to provide the way. We are planning to go to orientation in August in Orlando in order to get more details. We will be there for a week, and will learn more about the teams that are already serving and which teams our personalities and passions fit best with. Also, we will figure out more details about finances and more of a clear picture of what we need to be doing in order to make it happen :). We are so excited about this next step in our life.
Please continue to pray that God will open doors. Pray that we will not be held back by our earthly desires and that nothing will get in the way of us making it to orientation in August. Also pray that God will open a door for me to find a new job so that maybe we can get our debt paid off sooner. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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