Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So I was driving up today to visit Holly, and during the long drive I began to think. I began to think about how God has called me to be His witness overseas and how I really don't have a clue what "overseas" means. I know this is a pretty big planet, but my "world" consists really of just Birmingham, Alabama. The furthest north I have been (and also the furthest east) is Washington, D.C. The furthest west is New Orleans. The furthest south? Tampa, Florida. I have only visited these places for a short time, but my world is mainly just Birmingham. Well, what am I getting at? I'm getting at the FACT that I am the least qualified person ever to go overseas. No Bar-b-que, no Iron Bowl, no SEC baseball tournament. What is God thinking?

But then I think about the Bible, and how so many people in God's story were not at all qualified to do what God had them do. How about Rahab the prostitute who was in the lineage of Jesus, David the shephard who became king, Nehemiah the drink taster who rebuilt the wall, Peter the one who denied Christ who began the Church, Paul the murderer who spread the Gospel like no one before him, and the list goes on and on. Our God is an amazing God and He knows what He is doing. Amen.

Check out Isaiah 55:9 and may you surrender your ways and thoughts to His.

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