Saturday, September 22, 2012

Life in the 'Ham

Well, as many of you know, Guy and I are now living in Birmingham. While spending the summer in Europe, Guy got a coaching and teaching offer at a local high school here in Birmingham. We really felt like God opened the door, considering this is not one of the jobs he even applied for. As soon as we flew into Atlanta, Guy came to Birmingham and I went to South Carolina to pack up all of our stuff (luckily we don't have a lot of stuff). Thanks to the help of my sister and cousins, I packed it all up within 3 days and the next weekend we made the move.

Being a home-body and very close to all of my family the move wasn't easy. But after being in Europe for 2 months with hardly any way of communicating with my family, it made it seem not so bad. I rest in the fact that I know that God opened this door for us to be here and I trust that His plan is perfect.

After being here for about 2 weeks, I got a job at a daycare/preschool. Although it's not my dream job (still trying to figure out what would be), I am so thankful that God has provided for us in this way. I love the children and I also think God is showing me that we have plenty of time to wait on kids of our own :)

The week after I started my job, I got a phone call from my grandmother saying that my aunt was back in the hospital and it wasn't looking good. So I packed my bags the next day and headed home. My aunt passed away that Tuesday with family by her side. It was hard to see her leave this life, it was hard to know that she won't be there as I always thought she would. Always having pictured her as a mom like figure and with hopes of her being a grandmother figure to my kids, it's still hard to believe that she is gone. Watching her kids grieve the loss of their mom, watching my grandparents grieve the loss of their 2nd child was truly heart wrenching.

Heartbreaking things happen, and life is really short, but I know God is still good and is still in control. He comforts His children when unimaginable things happen. He allows people to be taken away from this earth to give them peace and although our hearts are broken here, they are rejoicing and praising Jesus. I'm so thankful that Julie is in the arms of Jesus and no longer suffering here on earth. I'm so thankful that God has comforted our family. I'm so thankful that our family knows Jesus and can trust in Him through the hard times and that one day we will all be able to worship Him for eternity.

With all that said, it makes it even harder to be away from family with all that has happened but life in Birmingham is good. Guy's family being here makes it easier and having some friends here also helps. Church shopping is not so fun, and we miss our church in SC, but we are excited to see what church God allows us to get involved in and the ministry that He has planned for us here in Birmingham.

All you prayer warriors: Please pray that we are a light to the kids we work with and our coworkers. Pray that we will be able to quickly get plugged into a church and call it home.

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