Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 4: Baseball & 4th of July

Guy giving throwing instructions
 This week we did another baseball camp in Nova Gradiska, a town about 40 minutes away. It was the same set up as last week. They set up stations to teach all the kids the basics of baseball, and during the water breaks the some of the kids from the youth group would share their testimony. There were about 50-60 kids at this camp, which was more than the one last week.

After the camp each night, we would all go to the center of town where everyone hangs out with the intentions of having deeper conversations with the kids that came to the camp. After second night of the camp, Guy and I got into a conversation with a girl from the camp and she asked us if we had a story about how God had worked in our lives. We got to share our testimonies of how we got saved and how God still works in our lives. Her main comment to our stories was, “it’s so cool how all of you talk about Jesus like he is your friend.” Pray that one day she will come into a relationship with Jesus and be able to call Him her friend also.

Wednesday night after camp the youth group put on another talent show for the kids in this town. There was a good turn out and the gospel was shared through skits and testimonies. A lot of youth that came asked a lot of questions afterwards, so it’s cool to see God working on their hearts.
Guy giving hitting instructions

Kendall, a girl from the youth group, sharing her testimony

 We did get to do a small July 4th celebration with sparklers, which was cut short by the rain. We sang the national anthem and some other songs, and some of the Croatians were still there and got to see how crazy Americans act.

Thursday morning we were able to do another “UNA Klub,” which is the kids club that we do in the Roma village. They have different areas of the village that they go to each week, and this month’s theme is Noah. So we were able to act out the story of Noah and the ark and remind them that God always keeps his promises. It was so hot because it was about 11 when we started, but God still brought a group of about 40 kids. These kids are so receptive to our love and praise, and we hope that God will reveal himself more and more to them as we go each week.

Us after the last day of baseball camp
Thursday night we played baseball again here in Brod. A lot of the same kids that came to the camp were able to come back. We split into two different groups and played actual baseball games. When we took a water break, Guy got to share his testimony to the whole group of kids that came. He was able to share how and when God saved him, and the fact that the first time he heard about Jesus and the gospel was at a baseball camp. Also, that he still makes mistakes, but that it’s not by anything that he can do, but through his relationship with Jesus that he has the hope of eternal life in heaven. It’s very important for them to hear these things here because a lot of the belief here is that they can earn their salvation through good works. We’ve already scheduled another game for Monday and so hopefully some of the kids will continue to come, ask questions and God will reveal himself.

Friday was more of a relaxing day, much rest needed after the baseball camps. In the evening we had dinner with the youth group from Virginia before they headed back to the US. It was amazing to see how many connections they made with the high school Croatians here and how bold they were in sharing the gospel. We hung out with them until 2am when their bus picked them up. Pray that God will grow the seeds that were planted while they were here and that the youth will still come around and we will be able to continue ministering to them. Two of the girls from the youth group are actually staying here until August also, so we will be able to continue to minister here together.

It’s been a good and challenging week. Please continue to pray that God leads our every step and every conversation. We are continually reminded that no matter how bad we want to save these people, God is the one that saves and we are just vessels in the process.

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