Thursday, September 8, 2011


After a long week of orientation in Orlando, we actually came back more discouraged than encouraged. We were so ready to be sent off into the unknown world of another country, that I guess we did not realize all of the preparation that we would need to do.
We have since considered maybe doing a 10 week summer trip to Croatia. So that we can just put our feet in the water, instead of jumping head first into something that we know nothing about. Our other option is taking a 10 day vision tour next month in order to then in turn come back and raise financial support to go long term (2 years).
At this moment, we are just begging God to close doors that He wants closed and swing the doors He would have us to take WIDE OPEN. Please pray for guidance as we make these huge decisions. Pray that we will continue to seek God's will and not our own. Pray that Satan does not deter us from God's Plan.

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