Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's almost here!!!

5 days til we are in Orlando for our orientation with Pioneers! We are so excited to see what God is going to show us. We are hoping to get so many questions answered from the organization and from God. Praying that God will show us exactly where He wants us to go and what exactly He wants us to be involved in.

Once we find out the answer to these questions we will then know exactly how much money we will need to raise and will begin our support raising process. Praying for amazing things to happen here so that we can go overseas by the end of the year! So be looking for letters in the mail, and begin to pray and ask God if He wants you to be a part of this journey with us!

Pray for safe travel down to Orlando and that we will have open minds and hearts to what God is going to teach us! Thanks for all your support already, can't wait to update you all on what God does in Orlando!